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I Made A Bullet Journal And It Helps Me So Much More Than I Thought It Would

I drink a lot of water, wow.

I Made A Bullet Journal And It Helps Me So Much More Than I Thought It Would
Colleen Finney

Over Christmas Break, my sister mentioned that she would like to make a bullet journal, but she doesn't have the time and she isn't creative enough or good a drawing. When the new year rolled in, I sat down and made up some goals that I would like to accomplish over the course of 2019. One of them was to be more aware of me and my day-to-day life.

Sometimes I feel like I'm just going through the motions and stuck in the same routine of going to class and studying then repeat.

Making a bullet journal sounded like a perfect idea to physical keep track of the things I do on a daily basis. So, I sat down one evening and spent most of the night drawing up graphs and trackers.

I already have a calendar, so I didn't worry about including that. I filled it with places to track my sleep patterns, water intake, my mood, habits, the books I'm reading and the list goes on. I then pushed myself further to include things that make me happy, Like my favorite quotes, songs, my accomplishments and so on.

The possibilities are literally endless when it comes to a bullet journal.

I even added in a personal growth section with things I love about myself, how I'm improving myself and being a better me. On top of that, it's super relaxing. It's even been proven to be good for people that suffer from anxiety and stress. Plus, it keeps you accountable for all the things you are logging in it. You know every day you're going to have to sit down and mark how you did that day. Nothing feels better than putting a big red check mark beside something you completed.

It actually isn't as time-consuming as I imagined it to be.

For instance, I have most of my trackers laid out for the whole month. That means I have to take some time to do some doodling at the beginning of every month and I'm totally okay with that.

I knew it was a good idea and would be beneficial for me to see what I'm accomplishing every day, but I actually surprised myself. For example, I knew that I drink a lot of water every day. What I didn't know is I often drink seven to nine twenty ounce Yeti's full every day or the fact that my sleep schedule is actually more of a disaster than what I thought it was. Yikes.

I highly encourage everyone to take an hour or two and make a bullet journal or at least be more aware of your day to day activities. You might surprise yourself or learn something new.

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