Why do I have so much faith in my life which looks difficult? How do I shout out praises to my Lord and Savior? If I accomplish something in life that not only I, but other people thought I was never able to succeed, what do you think this is caused by? Who do you think it's caused by? Myself? No. I don't just drastically change overnight and start wobbly feeding myself. I don't work out so much that now I'm actually able to stand up on my own with holding onto something. With my disability, Cerebral Palsy, it doesn't get any better! It stays the same or worsens depending on how hard you work and your determination but other than that, it decreases.
Only a few months ago, my right hand was tight, shriveled up, and in chronic pain. Breathing with finding the strength to inhale a deep breath was nearly impossible. My legs were practically bone thin and now they actually look like regular legs with muscles. People would accuse me and say "Oh, that's because you're working at it harder." Actually, no. The progress that I've made would take me more than a lifetime to succeed! Strength builds up in my body whenever I feel the urge to pray. Spasms in my body lesson each week. I'm not drooling as much. A friend of mine told me once a few weeks ago, "I can understand every word your saying!" That moment touched me. Some people would probably say prove your point and walk!" That would be testing the healing. It's in His timing, not mine! I'm just living my daily life and God tells me "Try this!" We always hear about miracles, but when someone is in so much need of help and drastically changes, that's not them; that's God! Clasping onto something and releasing it immediately without any struggle instead of locking my grip and not being able to release? That's not me.
Jesus has taught me so much throughout the last few months. The reason why He hasn't healed me completely is because He just wants to show me how strong His love is. We're always taught that He loves us unconditionally, but our minds can't comprehend how much He loves us. My belief is that the reason why God waited 20 years to heal me is that He has taught me so much throughout those 20 years of being wheelchair-bound.
God told me that He will complete the healing fully and now is just the beginning. I'm not only hoping but I am predicting that by summer of 2017, the complete healing will take effect. As I pray and ask Him when will this healing be finished, He responds, "Soon!" He and I have a fun relationship, as you can tell. Yes, I've been called crazy for believing this, and it hurts... But I would rather obey God and be called "whacked out" and other hurtful names. I would rather that than deny my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!