"Stop putting your nickels into other people's dreams", urges John Piper. So often we think it is enough to encourage others to do God's work as we pray for them. Prayer is important but it is not an excuse to be idle. God does not call some to sit at home and pray and others to go out and serve. We are all to put our alone time with God into action. The point of getting to know God, is not so we can have him all to ourselves. No, it is to make him known. Giving missionaries money to spread the gospel is wonderful, but what are we doing while they are away?
What are our dreams? Is it simply to work at our careers until we are old, retire, and die an average life? There should be much more in store for us. In fact, Jesus wants us to build our dreams around his dream. That dream is to get everyone in a relationship with him-saving them from eternal damnation. Our dreams should be shaped around that. This means in our jobs, homes, churches, and communities, we are to make sure we are always striving to fulfill God's plan.
That will look different for everyone in each setting. To some it may mean talking openly about their faith, confronting another Christian to strengthen their walk with God (ultimately drawing others to God from the Christian's newly strengthened faith), or serving with a love that is undeniably from God.
We also have to remember that no matter what we do in our inner circles, we must break free from those comforts. Instead of just smiling at the people we work for, we should shine a light in our community by helping in local "mission work." How are our goals aligning with God? If we ask for a heart like his, we will see his kingdom shining all around and we will want to take part in it.
It is not enough to let other people witness to others as we go to church and merely cheer from the pews. What is our part in spreading the gospel? On our way to work how often do we pass people on the side of the street when God nudges at our heart? When will it be our turn to dream big enough to believe we are capable of spreading the gospel? In fact, we are commanded to do so. In Mark 16:15, Jesus says, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." This isn't a hobby you can choose if you want. This is an urgent command. It is why we were created.
So dream. Dream of all the ways you can show Jesus around you. Dream of how you can speak boldly in his name and how God can use you for his glory. Dream of opportunities, ask for them, and take them. Dream for the things God dreams for. Dream for reconciliation, redemption, and the salvation of God's creation. Dare to dream big.