Ready, Set, Lets Start Building-A-Boyfriend. | The Odyssey Online
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Instead Of Going To Build-A-Bear To Find A Stuffed Snuggle Buddy This Season, Build A Boyfriend Instead

Okay ladies, now lets start building our boyfriends.

Instead Of Going To Build-A-Bear To Find A Stuffed Snuggle Buddy This Season, Build A Boyfriend Instead

You've heard of Build-A-Bear? The store that most children begged their parents to go in while at the local mall. A fluffy bear that you can personalize to your own taste and call it your own. After taking all that time filling the bear with stuffing, picking out the perfect outfit, putting the final touches on the bear, you get to bring home your Build-A-Bear.

Well, this is my older version of Build-A-Bear, I call it Build-A-Boyfriend.

As the holidays are rapidly approaching and finals are around the corner, some of us may not have a significant other to spend those days with. So, for all my lonely singles, today we're going to Build-A-Boyfriend. Build-A-Boyfriend? It's similar to Build-A-Bear, but you take the desired traits you want in a significant other and build the "perfect" boyfriend.

Okay, ladies, let's get started on building a boyfriend. This is my personal list, but you can join in and build your VERY own boyfriend at home.

The first step in building a boyfriend is a sense of humor. If he doesn't have a sense of humor than as my good friend Randy Jackson once said, "It's a no for me, dog". I wouldn't consider myself the funniest person in the world, but I enjoy a good laugh. Somedays a good laugh can turn your mood upside down, ya know?

The second step in building-a-boyfriend is a sense of style. When I say a "sense of style", I don't mean Supreme fanny pack, hypebeast type of style. Nothing against the hypebeast boys and girls out there, it's just not my cup of tea. By style, I mean someone that can coordinate clothes and put together a simple outfit.

The third step in building-a-boyfriend is good ole' conversation. The people I'm most attracted to are the ones that I can have a conversation about anything. Conversations about our immature President, Donald Trump to embarrassing childhood stories. I want someone that I can talk to about anything and everything.

The fourth step in building-a-boyfriend is acceptance. Well, what do I exactly mean by acceptance? My definition of acceptance is loving me during the good days, bad days and for who I truly am. I know this sounds corny, but I want to be with someone who'll accept me for every aspect of ME.

The final step in building-a-boyfriend is kindness. The way an individual treats others can show how they are as a person. Being a kind person doesn't take much effort, but is such an important quality.

Okay ladies, how was the build-a-boyfriend process? Did you have fun and get to build the "perfect" boyfriend?

In all honesty, I could've compromised this list of physical traits I seek in a potential mate, but that's a tad superficial. At the end of the day, when looks absolve you'll be left with actions and the personality of a person.

Not to be that gal, but that's all that really matters. He could be a 6'3 with a sharp jawline, tan skin, and the body of a Greek god, but if the personality isn't there than what's the point?

So ladies, when you're building your boyfriend in the next couple of months, choose well. You don't want to build the wrong boyfriend and be down-right upset. Okay now, ready, set, and start building those boyfriends.

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