There is no better feeling than going online to check your bank account balance and realizing you have more than $15. Yes, it is that time of year again: no studying for classes but instead holding a summer job or internship. Not only are you potentially getting great job or real life experience but you are also building your resume and making yourself seem super impressive. Depending what you are doing, you could also be making some serious cash as well. So, what the heck do you do with it?
Your parents probably already told you this…but it is so true! Stashing some money in your savings account will help for a rainy day or with huge expenses like that stupid version of a Biology book that you need and can only be purchased at your campus bookstore. Also, you will be a full-functioning adult in a short amount of time and it would be nice to graduate with a nice chunk of change stored away.
2. Social Money
You are back with your roots this summer and that means getting to hang out at all your hometown favorite places. Put some money aside for doing the fun things you like to do at home. Set a budget for "social money" each week that you can use for things like going to the movies, eating out with friends, or those spur-of-the-moment froyo runs! By doing this, you are still able to enjoy the money you obtained by working but not breaking your bank.
3. Treat Yo Self Money
Everyone deserves to spoil themselves once and awhile, so if you have the money and you have earned it, then go for it! This is not to get confused with "social money" but rather this kind of money is for those purchases that you wouldn't consider an everyday expense. For example, you have been eyeing a pair of beautiful Steve Madden sandals since the moment you got home. If you have worked hard that week or even just need a pick-me -up…get them! Obviously do not go crazy and do this once a week, but enjoy yourself once and awhile. You are being a productive member of society by using your time off from textbooks and long lectures to make a living for yourself.
Everyone's financial status is different and so are summer situations. Whatever you do, try and budget accordingly. Take each day one at a time and remember that while budgeting may seem like pure torture, it will be so worth it in the future. By the end of the summer, you will feel like a mature adult who is on the path to the real world.