Let's be real. You're smarter, wiser, and way more tired than you were freshman year. You're ready to get out of here and go off into the world of 9 to 5. But what about the people who helped you get to where you are now?
Here are the 17 buddies you've made during your time at school that you're guaranteed to miss when you go home after graduation. Thank them, because they made your college experience something you'll always remember.
1. The Car Buddy.
You have legs. They have a car. Need a ride? They will pick you up and drive you to Walmart, the mall, Target, Starbucks, Target, and probably Target again because who doesn't love Target?
2. The Hug Buddy.
Touch starved? They have an easy solution: warm hugs. All day, every day. These are your go-to people whenever you're feeling overwhelmed or lonely, because hugs are the best and can cure all ills.
3. The Study Date Buddy.
You might not be in each other's classes, but that doesn't mean you can't help each other out. Even if it means you do more talking than actual studying.
4. The Silent Lunch Buddy.
Sometimes the best buddy is the one you can meet up with and say nothing at all. You're comfortable enough that you don't feel pressured to make small talk, and simply being in each other's presence is fulfilling.
5. The Gym Buddy.
Your gym buddy is your best friend. They cheer you on, push you to go harder, and are always down for reps.
6. The 2 A.M. Drama Buddy
This is the buddy that offers to come over, pick you up, and let you spew your emotions for hours on end at 2 in the morning. They're there for you no matter what and are always willing to listen.
7. The Finger Guns Buddy.
The universal code for "getitttt," "ayyyyyy," "gotcha," or "you're trying too hard to be ironic." You might not be super close, but whenever you hang out, they get it, you get it, and finger guns (and the occasional pun) will forever be your thing.
8. The Random Dance Party Buddy.
In the dorm, on a table, in a grocery store parking lot, this buddy has danced pretty much everywhere. And to be honest, you're more than a little jealous of them for it.
9. The Karaoke Buddy.
This buddy will belt out anything from Disney to Hamilton, from Drake to Hannah Montana. At any time of day. (They may also be the Random Dance Party Buddy.)
10. The Break Buddy.
There's always going to be that one friend whose home you just can't stay away from. You spend breaks there, weekends there, and are practically part of the family. They know how to have fun—and drag you into it, too. 🤘
11. The Baker Buddy.
You love this buddy. You cannot live without this buddy. Every single time they cook, you're reminded of actual food, and whatever the heck you eat on campus is suddenly a distant memory.
12. The Meme Buddy.
They never fail to make you laugh out loud...in class...during a lecture... Anyway, who needs a drug dealer when you have your very own personal meme dealer?
13. The Debate Buddy.
Let's say you have somewhat of a love/hate relationship. You may not be on the same side of the political spectrum, but man do your conversations leave you informed, invigorated, and ready to change the world.
14. The Give-It-To-You-Straight Buddy.
Veterans of the social sphere, these are the kind of buddies that tell you what they think without fear. Should you be Facebook-stalking a guy you hardly know but see everywhere? Probably not, but these buddies root for you either way, while DEFINITELY giving you their opinion.
15. The #Aesthetic Philosopher Buddy.
Every meal together is like walking into a cave to ardently study under the teachings of an old, wise guru. Does most of their advice stem from iconic 1980s movies? Probably, but they never fail to inspire you.
16. The Motivational Life Coach Buddy.
Slightly more realistic than the #Aesthetic Philosopher Buddy, this buddy is the ultimate encourager. They notice the tiny details in your life, like the bags under your eyes or your constant struggle with this one project. They let you know what's up and ultimately make you feel like you're amazing and can do anything and that your humor could rival Betty White's (almost).
17. The Wicked Smart™ Organized Buddy.
Have a paper you need advice on? Stuck on a research idea but not sure if it's worth looking into? Got a question from the class lecture? SEARCH NO FURTHER. This buddy color-coordinates their notes, highlights everything, and is impeccable with their sources; you might even suspect they're on a name-to-name basis with JSTOR. They're happy to look over your work and even happier to tell you everything you need to fix.
While college might be for a season, buddies are forever. Don't forget the ways they've influenced your life. Stay connected! FaceTime, send a random text, keep up your Snap streaks, whatever.
And honestly, thank a buddy today.
Because once a buddy, always a buddy.