Many of us have been warned by those who have come before us to make sure we live life without regret. We need to seize the proverbial day! However, with life extending on into the long off future many of us fail to do this. We miss the things we would want to do, or at least want to try at least once. A bucket list is a good way to make sure you have it laid out. A way to have a tangible list to mark off, and add to as ideas creep into your head. They don’t need to make sense, and they don’t need to be appreciated by everyone, they just need to inspire you.
To get you all started I thought I’d share some of my list, and explain some of the more obscure ones, show some I’ve finished, and just inspire creativity in yours.
1. Swim while wearing a suit (to be truthful, this was a bad day for me, and I needed to cross something off my list so this seemed doable with UTK’s pool down the road)
2. Eat a scorpion (very easy to do when the scorpion is embedded in a lollipop)
3. Get a tattoo
4. Get a tattoo of an advertisement
5. Steal my own painting from an art gallery (It will happen, and I will pay the artist any damages that happen to the painting)
6. Have an artwork of mine in a gallery
7.Design an album cover for a band
8. Skydive
9. Publish a book
10. Bleach my hair white
11. Fluently learn Spanish
12. Travel through India
13. Travel to Rome
14. Learn to snowboard
15. Be an extra in a zombie movie
16. Run a zombie 5k
17. Become a vegetarian (May have to cheat and eat seafood though)
18. Fold a 1000 origami cranes in one year to get a wish. (tried and got to 576 before giving up)
19. Learn sign language
20. Make an earth sandwich (look it up)
21. Make up a religion and get it recognized by the us government (accepting applications to join now)
Be creative with your list, and leave suggestions for ones you think everyone should try to do.