This might not be what you think. This isn't a bucket list of things to do in solitude or things to internalize. This is a bucket list for the extroverted, but if you're an introvert you're going to do it anyways. The best way to learn important life lessons and to learn new things about yourself is to push yourself. I was recently told not to sell myself short, and that I am more capable of doing things than I realize. I'm an introvert, and in lots of situations, I experience anxiety. Whether it shows or not, it's there in my head, my heart and my soul. I can feel it. I didn't really learn to push myself until I got to college. It was a culture shock. If I stuck to my introverted ways I would definitely be lonely. I had no friends going to the same college as me my freshmen year. I knew that as much as I was comfortable sitting in my room on a Saturday night reading a book and watching Gilmore Girls (which I still do) that wouldn't make me any friends. That wouldn't give me a real college experience everyone talks about. That wouldn't make me any friends. So even though I was content with my small groups of friends back home and even though being around more than ten people at the same time can cause my heart to speed up, I'm glad I did it.
1. Go to a party
If you're like me and you don't drink, that is okay! I went to one of my first parties at my good friend's frat for Halloween. I was so out of my comfort zone but I had lots of sober fun dancing with my friends and I learned that I can be out of my comfort zone but still have fun.
2. Initiate a conversation in class
Making the first move can be hard. For me, it causes anxiety and so much awkwardness. I usually avoid it at all costs but you can't live life that way, so I started a conversation first and it ended up being the start of a great friendship.
3. Be the center of attention one night
I'm the first to say I hate being the center attention. I get nervous and shy and tend to escape situations what put the attention on me. But it doesn't hurt to be the center of attention for one night and the good kind of attention too!
4. Talk about your feelings
For us introverts, it can be hard to open up and share our thoughts and feelings but it's healthy and when you can find the right people to talk to it makes it so much easier.
5. Do several things in one day
Plan a full day with lots of social events and people interaction. Your book will be there when you get back!
6. Be an adrenaline junkie for a day
Go sky-diving, jump off a cliff into water, ride a roller coaster. It's okay to let go of your inhibitions and planned out rationality.
Being an introvert is not a bad thing! Trust me. I am one myself but it's okay to do extroverted things now and again. I really think going out of my comfort zone shaped a bit of who I am. I still would rather cuddle up with a book and binge Friends every weekend but I also don't mind having my door open and socializing too. It's pushing myself and I think that's one of the greatest things to do for yourself. So introverts, take a night off of being by yourself and call up your friends. You won't regret it.