10 Things You Should Do This Break Before New Years | The Odyssey Online
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10 Things You Should Do This Break Before New Years

8. Walk or drive through a holiday lights park

10 Things You Should Do This Break Before New Years
Erne Travel

As the year comes to an end, and winter break is in full fledge, students everywhere are attempting to make the most out of their time off before school starts again. However, there's the conundrum of exactly what to do with all of this free time. It's so easy to lounge around at home; wasting away the hours scrolling through social media sites. Before you know it, though, it'll be 11:59 p.m. on December 31 and you'll be wondering when you last left your room. But have no fear! I have compiled a list of ~fun~ and ~cool~ activities to take on before or around the new year.

1. Explore the North Carolina Chinese Lantern Festival

For all you North Carolinians out there, or for those visiting the area, check out the Chinese Lantern Festival. Koka Booth Amphitheater is transformed into a magnificent lights park, which is both walkable and wheelchair-friendly. The event runs through January 14, 2018, and tickets can be bought online or at the box office.

2. Make a gingerbread house

Ah, a timeless holiday tradition that brings out anyone's creativity. Try turning it into a competition, and assign groups for a larger party. It'll get intense–trust me. The process becomes simpler by the year, too. Not only can you buy a house-making kit with all parts included, but you can even purchase a house that's already built–walls, roof and all. You would just need to decorate it, but what's the fun in that, right?

3. Attempt a Buzzfeed Tasty recipe

As a lover of food, I enjoy watching Tasty videos because they make it look SO EASY. I've been tempted to recreate at least a dozen of those recipes for a while now, but alas, no time, am I right? Well, there's no excuse during winter break. There's no better time to whip out your phone or laptop, find your favorite recipe and get cracking to make the best holiday meal or treat ever.

4. Read...for fun

During the school year, I don't think anyone actually has the time and effort to read a book for pleasure. At least not past high school. No, with the mounds of homework, studying and extracurricular commitments, I'll be darned if I even had an ounce of free time in which I would have the thought of reading. I've never been that bored, and I probably won't ever be. That, and the fact that I do so much reading for classes anyway, reading for fun just seems like added torture. By the way, the book above is a gem, 10/10 would recommend.

5. Binge watch movies and TV shows

Another easy way to spend your break is to hit up Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime or HBO and watch all of those movies and shows you've been meaning to see since the summer. Call your friends or family and turn the ordeal into a sleepover with a candy-chocolate potluck. Then, all you need to do is pig-out and scream every time your favorite actor makes an on-screen appearance. Voila!

6. Write goals for 2018

Now I know what you may be thinking, "Goals? What goals? I don't need to write goals–I'm going to forget about them by May anyway." And that's absolutely true–you probably will forget about them. But that doesn't mean that you can't spend ten minutes and review 2017 to see what worked for you and what didn't; what you could change and what you want to reciprocate in 2018. It'll also give you a sense of motivation for at least the first couple of months to keep you on track after an unproductive winter break.

7. Go ice skating

Probably the most basic winter activity ever–it's still only socially acceptable once a year. So hit up your local ice rink and frolic away!

8. Walk or drive through a holiday lights park

These are becoming popular–and for good reason. Don't live in a neighborhood with an "all-out or bust," mentality for Christmas lights? Then you're in luck! Holiday lights parks have what you're looking for to bring you some much needed Christmas spirit. Take a stroll or cruise–with the stereo blasting Christmas tunes, of course–through one of these magical places that are definitely Instagram-worthy.

9. Travel

Whether you've planned a trip to Europe or a day trip to the next city over, spend the time to take a break from your hometown and explore a new part of the world. In my opinion, experiences and memories are much more fulfilling than materials and presents under a Christmas tree. Looking for an easy getaway that requires no effort? Check out Pack Up + Go–a company that plans a surprise vacation for you.

10. Kiss 2017 goodbye

If your 2017 was anything like mine, it wasn't pretty. It's really no surprise then that I'm more than ready to wave "Hasta la vista, sucker!" and welcome 2018 with open arms. So, prepare for the countdown with friends and family and get ready to exclaim "Happy New Year!"

Now that you have a list of activities to fill up your free time this winter break, go out there and make the most of what's left!

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