If you're crying just thinking about heading back to school for your last wonderful semester, don't worry, because you are not alone. Before you cry though, get your Senior Bucket List ready so you can take advantage of all the SYFI-ing you can handle. Here's 17 things the Class of 2017 needs to get on ASAP:
1. Get drunk at the on-campus Chili's
You know you want to.
2. Eat at Suwannee and Fresh Foods one last time to relive the horror
Just have Pepto Bismol on hand afterward.
3. Get your car towed, ya know, for old time's sake
Good riddance to all the towing companies that ruin everything.
4. Jump in the Westcott Fountain
Even if it's not your birthday, just jump in one last time.
5. Just go sit in Doak Campbell Stadium for an hour and soak it all in
Do the Warchant and try not to cry.
6. Finish a Madison Social Challenge
Totally worth the t-shirt and a lifetime of accomplishment.
7. Sign a wall at Ken's
Something you can show your future kid's one day!
8. Go to the Leach and forget what locker you were using
It's a workout within itself.
9. Order an extra-large box of pokey stix and regret none of it
You only regret the pokey stix you didn't eat.
10. Find a freshman that can get you into your old dorm
And thank your lucky stars you're not in a dorm anymore.
11. Go see a movie at the A.S.L.C.
Free movies are the best movies.
12. Check out a book at Strozier
Oddly enough, that's what the library is for.
13. Wait in an hour long line for coffee at the Strozier Starbucks during finals week
Who needs to study when you can wait hours for coffee?
14. Get a SYFI lip tattoo
As Jameis Winston would say, "If we gon do it, we do it big then."
15. Eat lunch in the athlete's cafeteria, preferably on "Fried Chicken Friday"
It's totally worth the trek to the stadium.
16. Try your hardest to bump into President Thrasher on campus and snap a pic with him
Ugh, what a guy.
17. Graduate and let yourself cry because you did the dang thing
Cheers to us!