WOOOHOOO! FINALLY! Today's the official day I am no longer the "baby" of the friend group.
The big "twenty fun" is actually happening. Life has been hard these past 6 months, being the only 20 year old in what feels like this whole town. Living in a house with only 21 year olds and only hanging out with those who you have to sober cab for every Wednesday through Sunday night, is finally a thing of the past. Most people can understand the struggle of being stuck at home, watching Pretty Little Liars as we sit and wait for the 2am phone call to come and pick up the drunks from the bar. Now I'll be the one making the phone call to some poor soul, when it's far too cold to be walking out and about, or I can't properly function.
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Aside from drinking my heart out, these are few things I'd like to do in my year of being 21.
1. Travel to a state I've never been to
Peace out, Minnesota
2. Swim with sharks
3. Get over a fear
True Life: I'm terrified of snakes
4. Snowboard/ ice skate
5. Scuba Dive
6. Make a snowman
7. Meet a blogger I look up to
8. Dance on a bar
Because I totally should work at Coyote Ugly.
9. Ride on a ferris wheel
I know... 21 years old and I hardly had a childhood...
10. Go to an Ice Bar
I hate the cold. But alcohol...
11. Have an article go viral
12. Go canoeing
13. Write a letter to my future self
A little TLC to future me is always healthy.
14. Paddle Board
15. See the Grand Canyon
16. Attend Oktoberfest
Maybe not in Germany, but the one in Wisconsin will do... For now
17. Get a certificate and teach a class in whatever seems fit at the time
This could be very interesting... Stay tuned
18. Go on a road trip
19. Go to an NFL game
20. Inspire at least one person
21. Shower in a waterfall
Not an actual shower... I promise I'm not trying to kill the environment people
22. Go on a party bus
23. Donate blood
It's a beautiful day to save lives
24. Do something insanely spontaneous
25. Buy my own vehicle
26. Get a passport
27. Attend a Masquerade party
28. Get out of debt
Well.. debt that was my own fault *eyeroll*
29. Write a book
30. Go to Vegas
31. Convince a stranger to buy me a drink
32. Vlog
My life is kind of interesting... sometimes... Okay this might be a lie but who cares
33. Be completely, and entirely happy with who I have become
Because I've worked so damn hard to become her
Starting a little small, seeing as I'll be drunk most some of the year.