The College Undergrad Bucket List | The Odyssey Online
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The College Undergrad Bucket List

Enjoy these years, you're going to miss them!

The College Undergrad Bucket List
Misericordia University

Just beginning my second semester at Misericordia University, I can honestly say that I have learned a lot of things about not only chemistry or calculus but also life. This is my first true glance into being an adult and all of the responsibilities that come with it. With all of these things in mind, there are some things that I wish to do and I think others should do during their last four (or six and a half) years of education. Take advantage of what you have now because it won't always be like this.

1. Actually pay attention in class

The whole reason why you are going into so much debt is to get an education. Not showing up to classes is a waste of money to be honest (but don't get me wrong, skipping a class or two is a part of the whole college experience). If you've skipped one or two, it's okay, but don't make it a habit. A lot of times professors have a lot more to say than just the material that they are covering. Listen to them, they know a lot more than you do even though sometimes it doesn't seem like it.

2. Build relationships with peers and professors

With college comes a whole new plethora of people and groups and personalities. Find people that you click with, whether it be because they complemented you on your shoes or because of a shared class that you help each other with. These people will be with you for the rest of you educational career if not beyond that, so make sure that you get to know them. In the same line, professors are there to help you. Nine out of ten of them are going to go above and beyond to make sure that you are successful, so take advantage of that because later on down the road, you could use them as references.


I cannot stress this one enough. At most schools there are so many opportunities to study abroad. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THEM. Everyone that I know that has studied abroad has had only good things to say about it. This is one of the last times that you will actually "have time" to travel abroad and experience different cultures. This is a great opportunity so use it! You may enjoy it more than you think.

4. Take a cooking class (or watch the Food Channel)

Even though I am a commuter, I understand how old the food in the cafeteria gets after a while, trust me. So, if you get sick of the food but don't know how to cook, this is a great opportunity to learn! It's also cheaper to cook your own food than to continue to buy meals while out. Most campuses have stoves and ovens and even microwaves, so either cook yourself or get a few friends to help you out. Your stomach, tastebuds and wallet will thank you.

5. Go to a sporting event

Show your school spirit! Don't just go to school for the academics, have fun too! You're paying oodles of money for it so you may as well make it worth your while! Even if you're already an athlete, go to another sport's event, get into the spirit and show your support for your fellow peers

6. Take a class that's not in your major

Sure, the class "Beauty and Ugliness" might look kind of odd but that's just another reason that you should take it! Taking classes outside of your major or classes you would never think to pick makes you a more well-rounded person. Who knows when you'll need that information later on down the road? Whether it be at your future job or while you're on a date, or if you happen to be on "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?" the information will eventually come in useful.

7. Use the student discounts

Please, for the love of all of your money, use these discounts. This website has a few popular places that have some good deals.

8. Enjoy these years

This is the last time that you can still play the but-I'm-still-in-school card. Use it wisely and enjoy yourself. Take advantages of all of the things that the campus offers. Most of them are free and they will not only build your knowledge but they will help you grow as a person as well.

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