13 Bucket List Activities To Complete Before Leaving Tallahassee | The Odyssey Online
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13 Bucket List Activities To Complete Before Leaving Tallahassee

Six-month countdown...

13 Bucket List Activities To Complete Before Leaving Tallahassee

Since Tallahassee is a college town, it has a lot of events to offer on any given weekend. Although I've been in Tallahassee for almost four years now, there's still a lot of activities that I haven't had the time to complete. With classes and work, I tend to miss events but for my last semester, I hope to find the time to actually attend events and see what Tallahassee truly has to offer. These are some of the ones that I've been wanting to do.

Spend a Saturday morning at the Tallahassee Flea Market.

Attend First Friday at Railroad Square.

Go on an adventure with Outdoor Pursuits.

Attend an event at Club Down Under.

Attend the Tallahassee Balloon Festival at North Florida Fair.

Watch a movie at the ASLC. 

Take in the beautiful scenery at Dorothy B. Oven Park.

Attend Springtime Tallahassee parade and celebration.

See the "monthly sky over Tallahassee" at the Challenger Learning Center.

Hike the trials at Providence Canyon State Park.

Collect shirts at the Spring Housing Fair.

Cuddle with cats at the Tally Cat Cafe.

Throw axes at Tomahawks 51.

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