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15 BTS Songs You Need To Check Out Before They Perform On SNL

The best BTS songs that aren't Fake Love.

15 BTS Songs You Need To Check Out Before They Perform On SNL

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On April 13 the legendary BTS is going to be the musical performance on SNL. They will be the first K-pop group to debut on American SNL, and I am so proud of them! Therefore, before the boys make their SNL debut, I have compiled a list of some of my favorite, underrated BTS songs everyone should hear!

Cypher 3: Killer

As an avid rap-line fan, of course a BTS cypher makes the list. However, Cypher 3 is one of my favorite songs because it shows that BTS isn't just the regular K-pop group everyone sees them as. They have amazing raps and I believe Cypher 3 really showcases their talents. (Especially Suga's)

No More Dream

A throwback for all you new fans! No More dream is such an iconic song and if you haven't heard it then you're really missing out on quality, young, BTS. Back before they were primed and polished celebrities.

진격의 방탄 - Attack on Bangtan

Attack on Bangtan is the BTS anthem! Literally, they still use this in BTS Run! episodes and Bangtan Bombs! Attack on Bangtan never fails to get me excited and it always gives me butterflies because I just love these boys so much!

좋아요 - Like It (Slow Jam Remix)

For those R&B fans out there! This song also gives me butterflies, but more for the reason that it's an amazing, slow, love song. It showcases RM and Suga's amazing rap skills alongside Jin, Jimin, and Jungkook's amazing vocals.

Epilogue - Young Forever

This song is from the album The Most Beautiful Moment in Life: Young Forever, which I have a tattoo for. This song gives me chills every time I listen to it. The raping on top of the vocals and beautiful melodies. Plus, the song holds such a strong meaning for the band. Truly iconic.

Intro: Never Mind

Off of the previous release to Young Forever, Never Mind is from The Most Beautiful moment in Life, Pt. 2. Once again, this song showcases the rap-line's amazing skills over a beautiful melody. And as always it holds an amazing meaning within the lyrics, encouraging listeners to continue on with their goals and life even if they feel like they can't. (I might also be biased because I love Suga so much.)

뱁새 - Silver Spoon

One of the groups more confident songs. ***Baepsae is a hype song with hip hop roots. Personally, it is one of my favorite BTS songs of all time. Essentially, the song is talking about how cool they are since they weren't handed their fame, they worked really hard to gain their status.

Cypher 4

Surprise, surprise. Cypher 4 made it onto the list! Of course, for a lot of the same reasons as Cypher 3. Cypher 4 truly showcases the rappers abilities, however, I enjoy this song a lot because the boys have become so much more confident with this song. The best example is when RM says "sorry bae." along with the hook, "I love, I love, I love myself." Also, when they perform the song live they wear these velvet robes and look absolutely incredible!

Outro: House Of Cards

I don't know who decided to have Jungkook and Jimin's vocals over a track that sounds like it came off of a The Weeknd album, but I hope they get a pay raise. This song is extremely sultry, but in a very soothing way, it's hard to explain. Truthfully, it wasn't even one of my favorite songs at first, until I listened to it once and then I couldn't stop!

둘! 셋! (그래도 좋은 날이 더 많기를) - 2! 3! (Wishing on Better Days)

2! 3! holds a very special place in my heart. First, it's off my favorite BTS album, WINGS: You Never Walk Alone. Also, this is the song that BTS dedicated to their ARMYs. Essentially, they're saying that they are wishing for more good days to come for ARMY and for themselves. They say that they hold ARMY will count 1, 2, 3, and forget all of their sad memories.

상남자 - Boy In Luv

This is probably BTS' most cringy song, but I love it so much! I think it is absolutely hilarious to watch these seven boys try to impress the girl they're singing to, however, they fail miserably. However, J-Hope's line "ABCDEFGH, Hakuna Matata" is the most iconic thing to ever be written in history, and therefore it makes the song a bop.

땡 - Ddaeng

Technically, this mainly a song from rap-line, but it's still such an iconic song. Essentially, the song is about how BTS is at the top of the charts at the moment. Even so, the best aspect of this song, in my opinion, is the use of a traditional Korean sounding track. I love this because it's just a reminder to everyone listening that BTS is Korean and they're proud of where they come from.


Lie is a Jimin solo from You Never Walk Alone. This is one of my favorite songs because it eloquently showcases Jimin's vocal ability. Granted, all of the songs on this album showcase all of the members talents, but something about Lie has always made the song feel special to me.

Magic Shop

I love this song because it has such a sweet message from BTS. Essentially the song is talking about how they have struggled in their lives with depression and other mental health issues, and they kind of tell ARMY that if they (BTS) can survive then ARMY can get through their dark stages as well.

Airplane pt. 2

Airplane pt. 2 is such an amazing song. I love the fact that they incorporated the track with Latin roots for the music style. Also, the music video for this song is so amazing!

I could go on forever about the underrated BTS songs, but this is a list of some of the most amazing songs that don't get as much attention as songs like DNA, Fake Love, or MIC DROP.

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