Ahh the art of sarcasm...it is truly a gift. Believe me when I say that I can't get through any day without a heavy dose of sarcasm. To anyone who could be a member of The National Sarcasm Society, prepare to relate on a personal level.
1. You have been called a smart aleck...among other words.
You have a comment for everything. Apparently, this makes you rude. We've all been there. You make a comment, and suddenly, you're a smart a-hole. Not fair! I beg to differ and say it's your way of giving back to the world...providing everyone with sarcastic comments.
2. You never know if I really like you or really hate you.
Well, to be honest, my way of flirting is being sarcastic. But, my way of showing you that I don't like you is being sarcastic, too. Good luck figuring out which one you are.
3. You may own this fun shirt.
Provided by Sarina Gersten
You are a proud member. Also, that shirt was 100% a good buy.
4. It is the best feeling when you find someone more sarcastic than you.
Hold on while I bask in your glory. I have so much to learn from you regarding the art of sarcasm. Also, do you want to be my best friend forever?
5. It is soooo hard to talk to anyone who is not sarcastic.
It is sooo hard because you're over there throwing in sarcastic comments, and they don't care. Do they have no appreciation for your PhD-level sarcasm skills? They should. Ugh. Why are they not sarcastic? They're missing out on the greatest thing since sliced bread.
6. Sometimes you don't even know if you are being sarcastic or not.
Oh yeah...I guess what I said could be considered sarcasm. I wasn't trying to be sarcastic or anything (insert eye roll here). Whoops, I did it again.
7. Chandler Bing is your spirit animal.
His sarcasm is legendary, and you aspire to be at his level of sarcasm. It's an excuse to keep "practicing."
8. TV shows are sooo hard to like if at least one of the characters is not sarcastic.
Your sense of humor is obviously sarcastic, so you need relatable characters...aka sarastic characters.
9. You think that it's physically impossible to not be sarcastic.
How are people not sarcastic? Do they go insane? Are they insane?
10. As much as you annoy your friends and family, they are just as sarcastic.
From whom do you think you learned your sarcasm? Thank you for giving me a way to tolerate people. It's the best gift you could have given me.
If you can relate to any of these statements, you most likely hold a B.S. in sarcasm.