"Brunch with Friends"
Sometimes, the best meals are unexpected
The ones that take longer than they should --
Even when you're drowning with work and feeling guilty,
When you can't even remotely feel good.
Unplanned until the very night before
The ones that make you smile --
when you forgot how much you like your friends.
Reuniting is a savory feeling,
Wishing that the conversation wouldn't end.
Even when some are late, it doesn't really matter
The ones where you share the highs and lows --
The thoughts of far-away places, the time lost to a cold,
touring with songs and music,
late-night bowling and chair-with-wheels-down-a-tunnel-rolling goodness.
It leaves only wanting to hear more
The ones where you can make fun of each other,
and know that you still care;
With memories from the past and hopes for the future,
all mingling together as well.
There is no doubt that you will meet again,
and so where and when doesn't worry anyone anymore
The best meals are the ones with the best friends.
Brunch is the best meal of them all,
when you spend hours talking about absolutely something,
and time fills the cavities between bites with the sweetness, conversation, and warmth.