There are some things in life that you have to face everyday and brows are one of them. Brows are the frame to the picture, the highlight on your notes, or simply, the most important feature of ones face. Heres why: when we communicate, a lot of that communication is nonverbal i.e. hand gestures, body positioning, and facial expressions. Brows facilitate in the production of facial expressions which makes them the number one priority because guess what, if you have nice brows, people understand you more.
Now hear me out, I know what I’m claiming is a little bit out there and I know that I haven’t exactly tested this hypothesis however, from my daily life I have come the conclusion that I speak with my brows. If I’m happy, confused, upset, nervous or display any other human emotion not mentioned, my brows play a pivotal role in conveying my emotions. It basically gives the people around you a way to read your mind so you don’t have to tell them you're annoyed with them after you waited for them to get ready for half an hour.
If I had ugly bushes of hair on my face then I can guarantee you that all people would think aside from how hideous I looked would be that I appeared consistently angry. Brows are so much more than a visually aesthetic feature. In fact to prove my hypothesis, I urge you to consider the dog breed Doberman Pincher. They have a form of brows on their cute little faces which makes it a truly incredible experience communicating with them because it actually feels like you are talking to a human who is trying so hard to understand you.
Brows are the glue that is keeping this country together so we must keep them sharp and strong despite Trump’s vigorous attempts to tear out country apart. Because lets face it, he may be able to take away our rights, but he can never take away our brows.