Becerra To Be New California Attorney General | The Odyssey Online
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Becerra To Be New California Attorney General

He would be the first Latino Attorney General of California.

Becerra To Be New California Attorney General
Bill Clark

In the midst of President-elect Trump choosing his cabinet, other important political moves have largely been ignored by the national news media. One of these important developments came to light on the morning of December 1, as Governor Jerry Brown of California publicly announced his intention to nominate and appoint Congressman Xavier Becerra, a member of the United States House of Representatives, to replace outgoing California Attorney General Kamala Harris.

While Democrats failed to win a majority in the Senate in the November 8 general election, the party did manage to maintain the seat held by the retiring Barbara Boxer. The senatorial election in California ultimately came down to a race between two Democrats, Attorney General Kamala Harris and Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez.

Upon winning the election, Senator-elect Harris will vacate her position as California Attorney General as she is sworn into the United States Senate on January 3. In these situations, California state law dictates that the governor appoint a replacement to the state attorney general, with the approval of the California State Assembly and the California State Senate, for the remainder of the uncompleted term, which in this case is until 2018.

Despite rumors that Governor Brown would choose his wife Anne Gust Brown or top-adviser Nancy McFadden to fill the vacancy, he instead chose someone who many did not even consider, the congressman representing downtown Los Angeles, Xavier Becerra.

The position of California Attorney General itself is a highly coveted role, being the top law enforcement officer in the nation's most populous state. Elections for this office are statewide and seven potential candidates have already opened campaign accounts for the next statewide office election in 2018, including five current or former state legislators.

It is unclear whether Becerra will run for another term as attorney general in 2018, but the end of his term conveniently coincides with the race for the offices of California governor and United States senator, meaning that he will be left with many options to advance his political career.

This comes as a major turn of events for Congressman Becerra, whose immediate political future was unclear in the wake of Hillary Clinton's loss in her run for president in 2016. Soon after Clinton clinched the Democratic nomination, Becerra was floated as a potential Vice President pick, though Senator Tim Kaine was ultimately chosen.

Had Clinton won, many speculated that he would perhaps be given a cabinet position. After the shocking loss of Secretary Clinton on November 8, it seemed as if Becerra had nowhere to go in terms of a presidential appointment or House Democratic leadership. There was no sign of change in the top minority leadership positions of Minority Leader, Minority Whip, or Assistant Leader, and because of term limits, his tenure as Chairman of the House Democratic Caucus ends in January with the beginning of the new Congress.

The only other possible option of upward mobility in the House would have been to run as ranking Democratic member on the House Committee on Ways and Means, an endeavor which Becerra announced he would pursue in a letter written to his Democratic colleagues circulated on November 29. The announcement from Governor Brown and Congressman Becerra opened up a new door, allowing the Congressman to return to the California Department of Justice, a state agency he has experience with being Deputy Attorney General.

However, whether Becerra remains California Attorney General or decides to run for Governor, the United States Senate, or another position in 2018 is yet to be seen, and any guesses at this point are mere speculation.

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