Reasons to like having a brother | The Odyssey Online
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6 times You Like Having a Brother And 6 Times you, Well, Don't

He's your first best friend and your lifetime protector.

6 times You Like Having a Brother And 6 Times you, Well, Don't
Peri Decoteau

Having a brother is the best thing a girl could ask for. He's your first best friend and your lifetime protector. Most of the time the two of you are on good terms and loving the sibling life but others it seems like the grass in greener over in the only child yard. Here are six times it's awesome having a brother and six times it's not so wonderful.

I like:

1. You always have someone to talk to

Whether its at dreadful family functions or you're just bored at home together you can always strike up a conversation with your brother without being afraid it will end on a bad note or be completely awkward!

2. He's always on your side against outside forces

He may throw you under the bus with your parents sometimes, but you know when the time comes he'll be right by your side protecting you. No matter if its the boy who broke your heart or other girls picking on you, he never fails to have your back!

3. Your fighting skills are far above those of other girls

Growing up with a brother means you better learn how to swing/kick back if you don't want to end up losing every single time he feels the need to come at you! His physical competition with you provides you with an advantage against other girls who either grew up an only child or with sisters.

4. Your sarcastic comebacks aren't lacking either

Not only do you get a ton of practicing physically fighting with your brother you become an expert at comebacks. If anyone has a brother like mine, he thinks on his feet way better than I do, so I had to learn sarcasm and funny insults very quickly in life!

5. You never had to share clothes with him

Since he clearly doesn't have your style you never have to worry about him stealing your clothes. Plus, your mom would never, in a million years, give you his hand me downs. New clothes for you girl!

6. You never had to worry about him stealing your boyfriends

At the very worst he would become better friends with your boyfriend than you are, but is that really a bad thing?

I don't like:

7. BUT he always beat you up like it didn't hurt

Mysterious bruises, everywhere! While his violence can be taken as an advantage it also hurt sometimes, he looks at you as a friend therefore you get treated like one.

8. You could never date his friends that were interested in you

If your brother is only a few years older or younger than you I know you feel this on a personal level. Dating each others friends is a fun idea, but in reality it becomes awkward and confusing. So, no matter how cute his friends were you knew they were off limits!

9. He had so much more freedom than you did

Brother: Can I go to the movies with this strange masked man and stay out until 3am without calling to let you know where I am?

Parents: Of course honey!! Go ahead, just make sure to stay at a friends house we've never met!

Me: Hey can I go swim at my bestfriends house who you've known for years and love and adore?

Parents: Who is going to be there? What are all their phone numbers? I am going to call their parents to make sure it's okay. Be home by the time the sun goes down. Don't talk to anyone but your friend. Drive straight there and straight know what, we'll just go with you!

10. You had to act like his girlfriends weren't fake being nice to you

The worst! You had know idea who some of the girls he dated were, but they sure acted like y'all were the ones dating. Like girl, if my brother likes you that's cool, I promise he's not going to like you more if we're friends...actually, he'll probably be less interested in you if we're friends.

11. He acted like you didn't exist

In the comfort of your own home things were great and dandy, you guys were best pals...but the minute the both of you walked out into public he had no idea who you were in fear of you somehow you doing something embarrassing which we all know happened close to never!

12. He's the best though

There is really nothing bad about having a brother. He's your built in best friend and biggest fan! He may not show it all the time but he loves you and you love him like no one else in the world. Go give your brother a hug and tell thank you for changing that tire or fixing your A/C or helping you move! He deserves it!

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