For as long as I can remember, I have always heard about my two older brothers.
The thing is is that they lived far away and I never got the opportunity. That is until I got the opportunity to visit for a day. I got to see my older brother Cory for the first time in 18 years. It was weird at first, of course, bt after the initial shock wore off, everything was great.
We caught up, I met my nephew (He's a mess) and hung out with my sister-in-law. It was a nice time but it made me realize something. Family is important. We hadn't seen each other really at all in the past but there was always a pull to see each other. We felt that as brothers, we wanted to know each other. While we may not see each other again for a long time, I know for a fact that if I need anything I can go to my brother.
Family is important.