Dear little brother,
You've been there for me countless times. Whether it was keeping secrets, or because I had to deal with another breakup, you were there. We've fought and called each other names, but at the end of the day, you're here for me and I'm here for you.
And I always want you to remember that. You watched me fly through high school, and then move from our small town onto bigger and better things. I want the same for you. It doesn't matter if we live 10 miles apart or a 1000 miles apart, I will always be here to help you.
I've watched you grow up into the strapping young lad you are over the last 15 years, and through no fault of my own (blame Mom), you've turned out kind of like me. There are plenty of qualities you have that I don't, such as being good at basketball and video games. And there are plenty of things I'm good at that you aren't, like cleaning (your hamster cage room LOL) and cooking (you live off ramen and freezer mozzarella sticks). But at the end of the day, we share a lot. We're both stubborn and temperamental, which has gotten us in trouble together. You're also resilient and adaptable, so I know you'll be fine in life, but i just have to remind you because that's what big sisters do.
Someday soon you'll be taller than me, and probably smarter too. But no matter what happens, you'll always be my little brother, and I'll always love you the same.