Dear Josh,
Today you turn 25- years-old (crazy right?!?!), and I wanted to share with you how thankful I am for you. There are a lot of things that make you who you are and I couldn’t possibly list them all, but there is a few that stand out more than others. So let’s celebrate the awesome man God decided to give to the world 25 years ago.
I am grateful for your creativity. You have always loved art and music and creative things, but I have never fully appreciated it until recently. I can see it in the way you share your ideas, and I hear it when you tell me stories. Ever since we were little you’ve always had some crazy idea in your head. Whether it was taking a tiny toy canon and trying to shoot things form it, or tying your little sister and her best friend together with duct tape, or the extravagant Lego creations you spent hour after hours working on; you always could imagine things and create them. Although you may not use it so much anymore, I think your imagination could take you so far in this world. So never let that imagination fade.
I also am thankful that we share a love for music. Although, you sometimes listen to some weird stuff, we still have a pretty similar taste in music. Car rides are always more fun when you are purposely being obnoxious with the music and choosing the strangest songs. I’m not sure if you remember this or not, but when you were in high school we would always sing on the top of our lungs in your truck. One time in particular, I remember blasting Brad Paisley’s “The World” so loudly and just having a good time on the ride home. Now every time I hear that song I think of that memory, and cherish that time with you.
I am thankful that even in hard times of confusion and disappointment, you continue to press on. I’m thankful that you care about my life and the new adventures that I am taking. I’m thankful for our FaceTime chats and phone calls. I’m thankful you ask for my opinion on things, even when they are silly. I’m thankful you laugh with me (and at me occasionally) and share with me times of joy. I’m thankful that you can be tough for me, but never shy away from your sweet, caring heart. But most of all I’m thankful for a big brother that loves me and is proud of me and that wants to see me live out my dreams. Your support in all that I do means more than you could ever know.
So happy birthday big brother; I hope that year 25 brings new opportunities, challenges, joy, laughter, love, and hope to your life. I pray God uses you in big ways this year and that you allow Him to use you completely. God’s got big plans for you, and I cannot wait to see them. Love you, Bubba!!
the best little sister on the planet (not to brag or anything)