It's that time of year. Finals. The time where you drink an abnormal amount of coffee, the library is packed with people hyperventilating, and eight hours of sleep seems like a distant, childhood memory. Well within the finals season hell that we all know, there are people that properly express the emotions we have and the cast of "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" is an accurate representation of finals.
1. That moment when you realize that exams are right around the corner
2. Then when you're reviewing in class and have no clue what's going on
3. So instead of studying you pretend everything is fine and laugh the pain away
4. But then you end up living in the library and don't know what day or year it is
5. When you walk out of the exam and can finally live life again and celebrate with your friends, no matter how bad you all did
Exam time is hard, but together (and with Boyle) we can get through it!