The show, "One Tree Hill" has given us many reasons to binge watch the nine seasons of the show. The show has given us Haley and Nathan, the Ravens, and pretty awesome music. Arguably the best part of the show was the friendship of Brooke Davis and Peyton Sawyer.
1. They had cute nicknames for each other
Brooke Davis and Peyton Sawyer had perfectly fitted names for each other. Who doesn't want a cute nickname to call their best friend?
2. Brooke went back to Peyton's House
During their senior prom, Brooke and Peyton were not on speaking terms. Brooke realized that Peyton was not at their prom, and they had been talking about their senior prom since middle school. Brooke went to Peyton's house to check on her to make sure she was okay. That was a very selfless act, and that is what makes friendships last
3. Sawyer's middle name is Brooke
When Peyton and Lucas had their first child, Peyton gave Sawyer the middle name of Brooke, after her best friend. You must think very highly of someone to name your child after them.
4. They were always there for each other
No matter what they were going through, they always had each other to lean on for support and encouragement. When they had to deal with the school shooting, pyscho Derek, or mother's they were always there.
5. Brooke came back to Tree Hill
Peyton needed Brooke, and Brooke realized that. She left her nice apartment, and big city life to move back to Tree Hill, so she could be there for her best friend. It takes a lot of a person to be there for their someone besides themselves.
6. Peyton threatened Julian for Brooke
Peyton and Brooke always wanted the best for each other. They never wanted to see each other hurt. Peyton threatened Julian because she always wanted to see Brooke happy. Friends should do that for each other.
7. They matched their Halloween costumes
When they matched their Halloween costumes, it was the definition of friendship goals. Many friends want to match Halloween costumes with their best friend. It just showed how close their two characters were.
8. Their spontaneous adventures
Brooke and Peyton went on many amazing adventures together and shared many memories together. Like stealing Mr. Davis's boat and going skinny dipping in the ocean.
9. Peyton's video to her daughter
"My best friend – OK this one is so important; choose wisely, I got really lucky with mine. My best friend is funny, intelligent, creative, beautiful, and successful, and very kind. She’s also impulsive, frustrating, um complicated, childish, but I would not have her any other way. And the best part about Brooke Davis is that she always puts friends first. So if you are ever in any kind of trouble, you know who to call. I can’t think of anyone I’d rather have watching over you."
Peyton's video to her daughter, Sawyer just shows how important Brooke's friendship to her was. And how meaningful she was to her.
Brooke and Peyton's friendship gives us a meaningful way to look at our own friendships and if we are being the best friends that we can be.