Broken. Scared. Ugly. Tarnished. That was me and that was you. That's right, every single one of us have been broken and ugly at some point in our lives. But the brokenness that I am referring to stems far deeper than your outward appearance. Although society places a heavy emphasis on "the perfect body" for girls these days and basically gives guidelines of what you have to look like in order to be considered "beautiful", true beauty comes from someone higher than any magazine article or fashion designer. TRUE beauty comes from the Lord and the Lord alone.
There is nothing wrong with feeling beautiful physically, but I think it is crucial for us to keep truth at the forefront of our minds; that being that outward beauty will all fade away one day. Perfect skin will wrinkle, beautiful hair will turn grey, your weight will fluctuate and in the eyes of society, you may not always be "beautiful" but in the eyes of the Lord, you will always be HIS beautiful daughter.
The redemptive power of the Lord is overwhelming. Being able to take shame and guilt and turn it into a testimony and ministry. Taking a broken, depressed, and wandering soul and turning it into a radiant child spreading love and joy is a beautiful thing and is something that only comes from Christ.
As women, we desire to feel beautiful and to be complimented. But on the days when you don't feel outwardly "beautiful" keep in mind that beauty comes from something more than just makeup and nice clothes. The condition of your heart and your relationship with the Lord are what matter at the end of the day.
Each and every one of us were created for a reason and with purpose. Beautifully and wonderfully made is how scripture describes God's children, and we are just that.
Don't let the world's definition of beauty tear you down or define how you see yourself. Remember; you are a child of God which makes you radiate beauty in every aspect of your life.