Dear younger version of me,
I do not know you. I probably will never meet you, but you and I have a few things in common. Maybe we can be friends or maybe just knowing that you are not alone will make you feel better. However, there is nothing to be ashamed about (now I know this), but I am saving you the trouble of finding out on your own.
You probably did not realize your parents speak "broken English" because in your ears, it is the sound of perfection. To your orejas, it is English. You had nothing to compare it with – OK, maybe you compared it to yours and maybe yes, your English was different than theirs. The pronunciations of their words sound a lot different than the way you and the rest of the people whose first language is English pronounces the words.
However, instead of feeling ashamed, making fun of them or letting people make fun of the way your parents pronounce English words, you should feel proud. Your mommy, daddy, tios and tias left their country for one goal: to have a better life for their kids. They did not have time to learn perfect English. They began to work and are still working hard so one day you can go to college. To you, their broken English should be a reminder of their resistance. Remember they came to this país for a better future. Not for them, no, but for their family, for you and your siblings (if you have some). They knew by coming here they would have to work hard and it meant not making enough time to learn proper English. They just learned the basics, so they could use it to defend themselves if they needed to.
I know having to become the translator or writing letters in English for your parents will become frustrating, and it will make you mad. Sometimes you might even make excuses because you do not want to do it, but do not do that. Your parents have never made an excuse or gave up and said, "I'm not going to work anymore because people are making fun of my English accent." No, they keep going, and yes, they know they speak Broken English. Believe me, they are not proud of it, but you need to tell them their English is acceptable.
You see, broken English is supposed to offend our parents and us. Saying are parents speak broken English is supposed to make us feel ashamed of them. Society makes fun of our parents' accents because their English pronunciation does not sound like the majority. Yet, we should never have to feel that way.
Their broken English is something you should be proud of. They dominate two languages at the same time. They have to think and translate at the same time just the same way you have to go from English to the other language. Remember, their broken English has sacrificed so much for you, so never let people make fun of them again, and learn to accept their broken English. Love everything about your parents.
A child of immigrant parents