How many of you could say you've had a bone broken by your crush? I know I can. How many of you can say you've broken a bone because of a hug? I know I can. How many of you could say this is one of your most embarrassing moments? I know I can.
Let's start from the beginning; I was eight years old and had a huge crush on my family friends. To protect his identity, let's call him Miller. Miller and I had been friends since we were really little because our moms were super close. That being said, I grew up with him. We would go to the zoo, water parks, arcades, and restaurants together. I had a crush on Miller for a very long time. It was more of an innocent crush than anything else, but it for sure was still a crush.
It was a Saturday morning and Miller and his mom came over to my house for brunch and to hang out. After we ate some delicious pancakes and bacon, we decided to go play outside. When I was playing with Miller, time always went by really quickly. So, before we knew it, it was almost time for him to go. After his mom told him they were going to be leaving in about a half an hour, Miller and I decided to go inside and watch some cartoons. We had this special place on my couch we liked to sit. It was on the top of the couch, which was not safe at all. After an episode of Scooby Doo, Miller's mom told him it was time to go. He, of course, protested for a few minutes, but finally gave in when she said he could pick dinner tonight. Miller and I always hugged goodbye, so when he went in for the hug it wasn't anything out of the ordinary. Let me remind you that I was still sitting on the top of the couch when this hug was about to take place. Miller hugged me, but this time the hug was a little too hard. I felt myself falling back, so of course, I tried to break my fall.
Next thing I know, I'm laying on the floor with a very broken looking arm. Everyone was crowded around me; they were all freaking out. Miller was crying, my mom's jaw was on the floor, and Miller's mom was speechless. My dad, who was doing the dishes at the time, came rushing over to see what all the commotion was. He took one look at me and then one look at Miller and said, "We need to go to the emergency room right now." That snapped my mom and Miller's mom out of shock, but I can't say it did the same for Miller. By the look on his face, I could tell how horrible he felt.
My dad lifted me up, put me on his shoulder and strapped me into the back seat of our car. Miller and his mom were following in the car behind us. About 10 minutes later, we arrived at the emergency room. We went in to see the doctor and she took one look at my arm and knew it was broken. We explained the story to her and I couldn't help but laugh. I mean who gets their arm broken by their crush and because of a hug? I mean only me. The doctor took X- Rays that confirmed my arm was indeed broken. She gave me a sling with a bunch of cute animals on it to wear for the next how many months.
After we finished with the doctor, it was finally time to face Miller. When he took one look at me with my arm in the sling, he started crying. I just reassured him that it was ok and that I wasn't mad at all. I started to laugh hoping it would lighten the mood and luckily, it did. Miller came over to me and asked if he could hug me. I told him of course, but just make it gentle. Then Miller hugged me and our parents started laughing. Since we'd been at the hospital for a while, we were all pretty hungry. On the way home, we stopped for ice cream, a treat provided by Miller's mom.
As we both grew up, Miller and I eventually lost touch. Just recently we reconnected and I reminded him of this incident with hopes he would remember. He did and is still very embarrassed about it. He also is still apologizing profusely for it. I can honestly say that this is probably the worst encounter I've had with a boy I liked. But you know what? At least I got a hug, a cute animal sling, and free ice cream, right?