1. If it has free food, it has you.
2. You do it for the free t-shirt…whether it is signing up for every club at the activities fair or attending meetings organized by your RA.
3. You decide to get a job on campus, and when that first paycheck comes you feel like the King of the World.4. ...But then your professor assigns a textbook that wasn't in the syllabus so your bank account goes back to $0.00.5. You're brave enough to venture to the grocery store. Until you realize you can't even afford that....6. ...So your last resort for food is the dining hall.
7. When your heart says yes to Chipotle, but your wallet says no.
9. You begin to sell anything that can get you a few extra bucks (clothes, books, you’re soul).
10. You’re most common phrase is “do I get a student discount.”
11. The FOMO is real when your friends go to expensive concerts or the city.
12. So you become friends with other broke college students and get creative when it come to having fun.
13. You consider going to the library “going out.”
14. You have to avoid the bookstore at all costs. Because if you see that sweatshirt you have wanted, YOU.WILL.GIVE.IN.
15. You have to block websites that lead to online shopping.
And then spring semester comes around and it starts ALLLL over again