Did you hear the news? Brock Turner, rapist, was released from prison recently after serving less than his original, extremely too short sentence.
So what is he going to use his newfound freedom to do? Apologize? Try to make an actual positive contribution to society? Admit he did something wrong?
No. Brock Turner is apparently going on a speaking tour across the nation.
If you plan to go see this speech for any other reason than to boo Brock out of the building, then please do not continue reading this article. Brock Turner is a rapist who should be serving years in prison. Anyone who would willingly support this endeavor to profit off of the destroyed life of a woman, a human being, is insane.
I pray that his first show is a complete failure. If he makes any money off of this whatsoever, then it is a slap in the face to his victim. I can't imagine what that poor girl will be going through the rest of her life because of this monster.
Brock Turner is a monster.