Brock Turner has become what I think to be a common household name in this past six months to a year. Some people think that the worst thing you can do is "glorify" the criminal. However, in a case like this I think that is the best thing to do. To bring awareness to the fact that this awful person got off with only THREE MONTHS of jail time for a crime that someone of color would have gotten 20 years to a life sentence for. Not only is this the definition of white male privilege, but it is the sole reason that college aged women have to live in fear. On my campus I am scared to walk at 8 at night alone. I have been trained since I was six to never take open drinks from boys I do or don't know because you just can't trust people. My dad has always told me to never drink too much and always be fully aware of my surroundings. They tell me this before I go out even now that I live in a dorm on campus.
This is the world we as college age women live in. You have to be trained how to avoid people like Brock Turner. Instead of them being taught to be decent men and not take advantage and to not rape, we as victims are taught to avoid situations that could end badly for me.
Here is my question. Why? Why should I as a woman have to do all of that? Why can't you as parents teach your sons not to objectify and rape. Instead of my parents having to teach me how to avoid coming into contact with your awful son.
Brock Turner's obvious and incredible white male privilege makes me sick and in fear. Why? Because this kind of thing happens all the time. This one just happened to be a big deal to people because of how the media treated him. They treated him as if he was the victim and she was at fault. This is what scares me. We live in a society where victim blaming is the norm and father's think it's OK for their son to rape an unconscious girl behind a dumpster. Where a father and mother think its OK that their son not pay for his actions which ruined another humans life. All I have to say to Brock Turner and his family is that I hope it eats you alive. The guilt and the pain that the poor girl feels and will feel for the rest of her life. You all should be ashamed.