Dear Brock Turner,
We do not care about your swimming career, and clearly neither did you. You also clearly didn't care about how that woman would go through the rest of her life. Let me give you a little insight. For a long time she’ll think it was her fault, but it’s not. It's your fault. It’s your fault that instead of going home to sleep it off you thought it would be okay to take advantage of someone whether they were drunk or sober. Then she realizes it wasn't her fault and she’ll want to hurt you. Just like you hurt her. Only worse, and she thought well maybe that would come from you being put in jail. No.
Our justice system failed her and is the epitome if why rape victims don’t even come forward. After years and years of living with this, I hope she’s able to get to the point where she feels sorry for you. Sorry that you’re a scumbag, sorry that you were brought up by this male praised society where you believed you could do no wrong. Taking advantage of anyone is horrific and it needs to stop. Stop slapping these offenders on the wrist and saying “well boys will be boys”. So Brock here’s some advice, don’t rape and pray that girl is able to overcome what your vile 21-year-old self deemed appropriate.
A girl who has been taken advantage of.