Many of you may not be aware, well, because it isn't quite important to the media. RAPIST Brock Turner was recently just released from an already shortened 3 month sentence. Three months - and he was released because of "good behavior." Now, let us remember that Brock Turner was arrested for sexually assaulting an unconscious woman; and he served a three month sentence in prison, for RAPE. Why isn't the entire world outraged? Why isn't the entire white male population as outraged like they are because Colin Kaepernick didn't stand up for the national anthem? Seems irrational.
It is fine to have pride in your country, but that does not make our country perfect. Colin Kaepernick's reasoning behind sitting during the national anthem makes sense, it is understandable and it is completely reasonable. Brock Turner serving a three month sentence for sexual assault will never be okay. Does your now ex-favorite football player sitting down during the national anthem enrage you more than a man being released early from prison for raping an unconscious woman behind a dumpster? The point of me writing this isn't to compare these two different situations because well, they are extremely different. The point is that more attention isn't being given to the more important situation, something that can not even compare to the heinous acts of Brock Turner is being whined about more.
Unfortunately, to some people in this country, black Americans and people of color don't experience oppression and are treated equally in the United States. Those are the people who aren't paying attention. "There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder", says Kaepernick. He didn't want to stand up for a country in which he is oppressed in. My fellow aggravated Americans, what happened to "the land of the free"? Why is this so completely enraging and hard for you to understand? Also, Americans, why is Brock Turner being released from prison after a three month sentence not worth talking about as much? A man silently protests for his beliefs vs. a rapist who is released early from prison, you shouldn't have a hard time understanding what is more important.