So last week I got really angry... Really angry. You might ask me why, and my answer is simple.
I'm not sure how many people watch WWE and all that stuff. According to my sources, it's a lot. So if you took the four hours of your life to watch SummerSlam you probably know what I'm referring to when I say, "BROCK LESNAR IS THE WORST."
Before I start my rant, I'd like for anyone that is reading to know that I am not a fan of WWE. Actually, I despise it. I hate violence so when they decided to fabricate it and make it part of the American culture (probably one of the reasons America is one of the most violent countries in the world), I despised it even more. Watching people obsesses and go crazy over it makes me tear out my hair. It's mostly because I don't understand it, but that's a topic for another time.
So back to why Brock Lesnar is the worst. I am not sure who I'm mad at more: him or the people that sign his paychecks. I am angry with Brock because he knows most of it is an act. Injuries on this show are mostly accidental. The wins are determined before the fight. So why? WHY did he injure Randy Orton so bad? Of course injuries happen, it's the way of life. But once you see a person is bleeding, like really bleeding, a sane person would have enough brain matter to understand that maybe the fight should stop. But no. Lesnar did not back down, even when Randy was gushing blood out of his forehead. It seemed for a second that he was actually throwing real punches. There was a rage inside of him that should have been seen a long time ago. Someone should have stopped him from going into that ring like a billion years ago.
I am more enraged with the program than anything else. Obviously, if you see something go wrong in this fabricated fight, you should probably make an effort to stop it. They brought out at least five referees that seemed way to scared to be there in the first place. I mean they had reason to be afraid. But when you see someone bleeding so much that they're losing consciousness, you should probably bring out a medical ring.
Of course, there have been rumors that Brock Lesnar has been tested positive for steroid abuse. Steroids can cause terrible mood swings. WWE has made no effort to stop him from being in the show for steroid abuse. And there has been history of him being a crappy person and not sticking to the script. I'm sure it makes for better TV because the only Brock Lesnar is still on there is because "he can do whatever he wants" and its entertaining.