The English language is a beautiful language full of descriptive and detailed words. However, too often, we end up resorting to using only the most basic words in our daily conversations. Researchers estimate there to be over one million words in the English language. The average person knows approximately 20,000 of these, but in regular conversation uses far fewer words. How sad is that! So many words, yet we resort to only the most basic usage of them.
So, if you need some inspiration to broaden your vocabulary, here are some superb words to start using!
1. Inadvertent.
This can be used in place of unintentional or accidental. It is not used very often, plus it's kind of fun to say!
2. Exceptional.
Instead of saying “I'm good.” when someone asks how you are doing try using this word. “I'm doing exceptionally.” There. That has a ring to sounds better than good!
3. Gorgeous.
If something is exceptionally beautiful, my preferred word to describe it is gorgeous.
4. Reputable.
If you have a good reputation, you are reputable.
5. Incredible.
Use in place of great, good, or unbelievable for a more accurate descriptive word.
6. Amusing.
If something was enjoyable, you had a good time, or something made you laugh, it can be so easy to resort to simply saying, “That was fun,” or “That's funny.” Instead trying using the word amusing. Add some variety to your vocabulary!
7. Apathy.
If something does not interest you, you might be showing apathy toward it.
8. Chronicle.
If you write in your journal what you did today, you are chronicling your day.
9. Incalculable.
Something that is unable to be calculated.
10. Inertia.
This is a more specific way of saying that you are doing nothing about something.
These are just a few of the countless words you can use to give details and more accurately say what you mean. Don't be afraid to work these words into your conversation. A broadening vocabulary is never a bad thing!