My freshman year of college was considerably overwhelming as I'm sure it is for most teenagers. I had moved to a new city two hours away from the only home I had ever known, I was living with someone who started out as a stranger, and I was now the only one responsible for my own survival. All of these factors combined to create a version of myself that wasn't very outgoing when it came to trying new activities and clubs.
Because I didn't get very involved my freshman year I decided early on that my sophomore year was going to be the year that I stepped out of my comfort zone. I wanted to push myself and see more of what this campus and city has to offer. Every time I did something that the year before I would have never done I was completely terrified and wanted to back out, but every time that I pushed through anyway and completed whatever I was doing I came away feeling so satisfied with myself.
So far this year I have auditioned for the Latin dance group on campus, Vida, by myself, ran for and obtained two positions within my sorority, applied for Alternative Spring Break with which I will be going to Jamaica for a week, and will be dancing in the Hispanic cultural showcase Café con Leche in March. Believing in myself and not being scared of being rejected or judged by others has opened a door of self confidence I had no idea was within me. I have had such an incredible time this year trying new aspects of campus life and I am more than just a little thrilled to see what the rest of this year has to offer and what else I can try.
I know trying something new can be extremely scary and intimidating. I know that the fear of failure or ridicule can be heart stopping. And I know that sometimes those feelings can be too much to overcome. But what I have witnessed and felt firsthand this school year is that trying something you would have never considered doing in the past can be so exhilarating and rewarding. So my simple piece of advice for the week is to try something new. Broaden your horizons. See what things the world has to offer that you haven't found yet. Stepping out of my comfort has brought so much pleasure and so many wonderful experiences into my life this year.