This Brexit may have taken some of us by surprise. And since it is the Monday after the decision made on June 23, we’ve all had a little time to process. But here’s what happened and what you may not know.
All right, so to start with England removed itself from the EU, the European Union. It’s called Brexit because Britain, the BR in the word, exited. Brexit. It’s kinda catchy, huh? Make a good fake book hashtag. Anyway, here’s what happened. Oh, and go here to read yourself.
The EU began after WWII to foster economic co-operation, with the idea that countries which trade together are more likely to avoid going to war with each other. To grow together and live prosperously. It was started by France and Germany. They came up with an agreement to never go to war with each other. This agreement was reached in 1950. Seven years later a treaty signed in Rome created the European Economic Community (EEC)--the foundations of today's European Union. The UK was one of three new members to join in the first wave of expansion in 1973. Oh, go here again to read for yourself because this is exactly where it’s coming from. There are four key institutions which work together to run the EU--the European Commission, the European Parliament, the European Council and the Court of Justice. Now down to business.
This one big happy family, who started the euro’s, wanted to have little to no borders. Most of the 28 countries wanted border free lives, because not letting illegal immigrants in is “racist.” Rush Limbaugh says it perfectly in his transcript, “It’s not racism. It's not sexism. It's not bigotry. All of the things that the elites and their media cohorts are gonna try to chalk this up to, it's not about any of that. It's about a desire to be self-reliant because they just don't trust the people who claim to have all the answers and solutions for all the problems. They don't trust the elites anymore. They don't trust the ruling class. The ruling class has made a mess of pretty much everything.”
I completely support Britain leaving the European Union. The EU just wanted to let everyone in! So Britain backed off to defend themselves against inevitable attacks. David Cameron delivered the proposal and voted on Thursday. The four main points that Cameron wanted to negotiate were: Economic governance, competitiveness, Immigration (restricted immigration) and sovereignty. Allowing Britain to opt out of the EU's founding ambition to be an "ever closer union" of constituents of Europe. There are a lot of other things that needed discussion. They had a vote; it was democracy at it's finest. The ones who voted to leave outweighed those wanting to stay. No matter who thinks it's fair or not, may look at the democracy first. They couldn’t reach an agreement and so they left. Britain will survive…they will thrive, no matter who is mad at that decision to protect their boarders.