To quote my favorite Disney/Pixar fish, Nemo, "First day of school! First day of school!
The day we've all been dreading for the past week has finally arrived. Syllabus week greets us with obnoxious book prices, monotone professors and a clock that moves as slow as molasses.
Freshmen aren't the only ones trying to figure out this whole college thing. I'm a junior and I'm still trying to wrap my head around the concept that I have to wake up at 8:30 a.m. everyday. It's great to get back to a weekly schedule, which makes my life easier to plan, but I could definitely go without all of the stress that comes along with starting new classes on a campus that is hot as Hades.
I've put together a list of tips to help the everyday student avoid the struggle while learning to get back into the swing of this so-called school thing.
1. Freshmen. To all my upperclassmen, we've all been there, so leave the negative comments to yourself. Poor things are already scared enough without your sassy remarks about the dining halls or gen eds. Freshies, relax! The city is not as terrifying as it seems, and you'll soon know every shortcut you could ever need within the first few weeks of living here. You'll learn to love the city for its weird quirks, like when it smells like low tide on the hottest days of the year or when you master the Charleston Shuffle and don't care about tripping and falling flat on your face in front of everybody.
2. Dining halls. Liberty "Fresh Food" Company and City Bistro -- for the most part, they aren't the worst dining halls in the country, but they're also not the best. Last year, I may or may not have lived off of Bistro's deli sandwiches and yogurt -- we all make mistakes in life. I will thank Bistro for their late night window on the weekends because that is some of the best pizza and french fries I have ever eaten.
3. Don't be that guy who's always late to class. It's not that difficult to get to class five minutes early. Arriving in advance will create a less stressful environment for everyone in the class.
4. Norts. The first week of class you may feel the need to impress your peers, but by the second week your wardrobe will revert to norts and over sized t-shirts. Don't fret, everyone else will have already adjusted their wardrobe, as well, and as soon as it gets colder make sure your yoga pants are ready to be taken out of storage.
5. Classes at the Harbor Walk. I would like to take a moment of silence for any student who has to make the trek down to the Aquarium for any of these classes. I escaped this obstacle, but not everyone has been so fortunate. Make sure to meet people in your classes to walk or ride with because the Charleston Carta buses will probably never be on time. If you can get over the slightly long walk down Calhoun, then you're in for a treat with some of the best views of the Charleston Harbor that the city can offer.
6. Don't skip Friday classes. Friday classes are a pain, but going to a 50 minute class will actually not kill you; shocking, I know. Absences add up quickly and you'll probably want to save those Fridays for sunny beach days or an extra day of break. You can suck it up and make it to your classes one extra day and, before you know it, the weekend will be here and you can be carefree.
7. Find where you belong. Whether it's Greek life, drama club, or a church group. Try something new and maybe you'll discover something about yourself that you never knew. Wherever you're comfortable, jump in and you'll make some of the best friends you could ever ask for. Make the most of the year ahead. Before you know it you'll be graduating and joining the real world. Until then, enjoy!