Have you ever heard someone say they were a Christian and thought to yourself, "really?" I know I have. I can think of one instance when someone who was known for talking with filthy language and getting drunk on a regular basis announced he/she was a Christian, and I cringed. This is not Christian behavior, and when it's a known fact you participate in things like this, it's not good for the Christian name and does nothing for the glory of God. That brought up the thought to myself... I'm just like this person. Do I do things that would make people think I'm not a Christian? Do I bring shame to the name of God? I'm sure I have before. I know I have. We're all guilty of it at some point in our lives because we're human and we're going to sin. However, there's a big difference in committing a sin and living a habitual sinful life everyday. We can do our best every day and ask for forgiveness from our sins from God. We are right in his sight when we do this. We are not right in his sight when we are living in sin.
There's a few things that come to my mind instantly when I think of things that Christians shouldn't be doing. One, as I previously mentioned, is drinking and getting drunk. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 says, "Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived, Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters not adulterers nor men who have sex with men nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God." Read this verse slowly. Read this verse twice. It's not a joke. It's not put in the Bible just for us to read for entertainment. It's truth. Those who participate in the things mentioned above will NOT inherit the kingdom of God. There's no conditions mentioned. It just is what it is. When speaking of drinking I always hear the excuse of well I can drink and have fun and just not get drunk! Is that really the attitude we should have? I can do something bad but as long as I really don't cross the line I'm ok, right?. No. That's not how we should be. We have no need to drink and alter our state of mind. If Jesus was here on earth I doubt he would participate with you or be pleased with you so why do it?
Another thing is filthy language. It does nothing but harm for the glory of God. We can't possibly lead someone to Christ if we continually use filthy language. And this can mean more than just cursing. It can and often does include perverted jokes and unkind words. We need to use our words wisely and remember someone is always watching us. Let's use our mouths to help others and not let that be a stumbling block to anyone.
Something else that Christians should avoid is sexual immorality. It's so rampant in our world today, and there are so many forms of it. The world thinks this is ok, but we know better. Read 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 again.
Usually when you tell someone he's doing wrong, the "don't judge" phrase will come out. This is one of the most overused and misused verses from the Bible. When we see your actions out in public, it requires no "judging" to see that you're doing wrong. None of us like to be told we're wrong, but as Christians we have the responsibility to hold our brothers and sisters in Christ accountable, and they should do the same for us. A lot of people use the excuse (I say excuse because it's not a valid reason.) of not wanting to be around hypocrites as to why they won't attend church. The fact is, none of us are perfect. We've probably all been a hypocrite before. We don't mean to, but we mess up and it happens. We don't go to church just to be around good people though. We go to church to worship God with other imperfect people.
The list of things we shouldn't do could go on and on. There's a lot we shouldn't do. But there's so much we should and can do that benefits the kingdom of God. If we really have God first in our life, we will desire to do what's right. We will desire to lead others to Christ. We have to remember that no one is perfect and we all sin. We also have to remember that we always need to be a good example. By doing this, we can lead others to God. If you're guilty of any of these things or any other sin just know these two things: 1. You're not alone. I'm a sinner too. So is everyone around you. 2. You can change, and God will forgive you. If you're a child of God, no matter how bad you've been, God will forgive you and hold it against you no more. We can find so much peace in that.