As a Christian, I am called to love. I am called to love everyone. I am not called to judge you; I am not told to criticize your every action and every choice. I am called to be there for you. To care for you. To love you with the love of Christ: His unconditional, perfect love.
I am deeply saddened by the hate I have been seeing within the Christian community. People I respect and care about have been berating each other over politics on social media and acting like children both before and after the election. I have seen and heard rude remarks from both sides. I have had friends on both sides of the spectrum confide their feelings to me about the results. There is a common thread of sorrow, fear, criticism, and concern for the future. It's scary. But, we should not need to be afraid. Fear can so easily lead to hate.
We are the people. We are the Church. We need to love like Jesus. We need to be the future. We need to be the change.We need to remember who we are called to love. Minorities. Majorities. Females. Males. People in the LGBT+ community. Our neighbors. Republicans. Democrats. People of differing opinions. EVERYONE.
How are we called to love? In words and in actions. Rude remarks are uncalled for. Build each other up, don't tear each other down. Be physically and mentally present in every relationship you have. Make random acts of kindness a way of life.
We all struggle with loving people at one point or another. We have to be open to conversations about this. We need to be willing to talk to the people we are different from or disagree with in a civil manner. Maybe someday, if not now, we will be able to go above and beyond the civility and move into a true, deep love for them.
With the love of Christ, we can be the change.