15 Things You Must Bring To Your Next Babysitting Job | The Odyssey Online
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15 Items All Babysitters Need In Their Arsenal

These items should be in your bag at all times.

15 Items All Babysitters Need In Their Arsenal

Babysitting can be a fun way to make money for teens and college students alike! If you like kids and have loads of patience I highly recommend it. With that in mind, there are some things to know if you want to be the best babysitter in town. It starts with a bag. Yes, a bag. To be a fun and well-prepared babysitter, you're going to need to bring some things. Here are fifteen things every babysitter needs to carry in their babysitting bag.

1. Emergency contact numbers


Emergency's while babysitting are pretty rare, but keeping the important numbers on hand are a must. These include: parent's phone numbers, poison control, and the number for your local emergency room.

2. Paper


Lots of it. Paper can come in hand for drawing, crafts, placemats, paper airplanes, origami, and more. It's a real life saver.

3. Play-dough


Kids love play-dough! Even if they mix all the color's together within the first 10 minutes, it's worth it. Plus, it's fairly easy to clean up.

4. Pipe-cleaners


Pipe-cleaners are also pretty versatile. Kids can bend and shape them how they want. And if they don't usually have them in the house, the novelty will keep them busy for a while.

5. Balloons


Balloons are a miracle. Just blow up a balloon and hit it around. It's that simple. I did this the other day, and kept a 3 year-old occupied for over an hour. It's a miracle.

6. Books


Maybe they already have books, but odds are they won't have the books you bring! You can get children's books online or at thrift stores for cheap and they can last for all your babysitting jobs. If the kids are old enough, they can read the books themselves, too!

7. Bubbles


Bubbles are a hit with young children. Make sure to bring some baby wipes too, just in case they get sticky.

8. Coloring books


And crayons! This is something you may enjoy too. I think coloring can be fun and calming for the kids and their babysitter.

9. Plastic cups


AKA building blocks. Cup stacking is a skill, and kids are insanely creative. Give them a stack and see who can build the biggest tower. Or give them a cup and a small ball and try to shoot it in!

10. Movies


Bring all your old kids movies, especially the ones that aren't on Netflix. If the family doesn't have a DVD player, use your laptop! Kids will love seeing movies they haven't watched before and it's a good chance to remind younger generations of DVD technology before it goes completely extinct.

11. Snacks


Snacks are awesome. Just make sure you check with parents about any food allergies!

12. Paint


This could be risky, but kids will definitely love it. Make sure you're prepared to clean up a mess, though.

13. Hand sanitizer


Kids are great, but also gross.

Germs everywhere.

If you want to keep up with your babysitting career, you can't afford to get sick every couple of weeks, so keep hand sanitizer on you at all times.

14. Water bottle


Babysitting can be hard work. You gotta stay hydrated!

15. Planner


If you are in high-demand by multiple families, you might need a planner to keep all your jobs straight! Plus, pulling out a planner shows parents how responsible you really are!

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