Everyone dreads going home for the holidays, and you’re either lying or being prescribed something fabulous if you claim otherwise. We all love our family, of course, but family time means lots of uncomfortable drama, prying questions, and very little alone time. It’s no wonder many consider this the most stressful time of year. But guess what!? This year, you've found yourself a buffer. Somewhere along the line, you pulled your s#*t together enough to lock down a “significant other” and honey, he’s comin’ home.
This is both stressful and exciting. If you’re dating someone around the holidays there’s a lot to account for. You have to decide whose family you’re visiting, what holiday parties you’ll be attending, travel plans, and then the gifts! Oh, the gifts... And not to mention the possibility of going through a breakup during the holidays — that is hands down the absolute worst. However, before the pity party begins, I would like to point out that many of your comrades do not have a special someone this holiday season — so keep the drama and complaining to a minimum. Singles are fragile and selfish; we don’t have time for your petty problems. Naps and Netflix are calling my name.
So dating darlings, if you are taking him home, you'll want to be prepared. The boyfriend will likely make his grand debut at your family’s holiday party. He might meet the inner circle beforehand, but this is his time to shine. Holiday parties are one of those eternal quandaries that sounds utterly fantastic in theory, but once you get there you’re almost immediately itching to leave. It’s something about the crowd... I have yet to attend one where my mantra isn’t smoke one, drink one, pop one. Everyone is on edge, forced to make small talk with people they never see and don’t know much about (and typically don’t have that much in common with besides DNA).
Consider bringing into this explosive equation your significant other. Not only are you tasked with shielding yourself, but you have another human to take under your wing. And the already prevalent anxiety and stress is amplified when you're wondering if your special someone is enjoying themselves.
Whether your family likes him, if your mom approves of what he’s wearing, if your dad is taking him to the den for “a talk.” This is a stressed filled roller coaster ride I’m only gettin’ on for Mr. Right. With that being said, he’s coming home for a reason. If you like him enough to bring him around your weird uncle, he probably is smitten just being introduced as your bae. So — don’t fret. Follow my mantra... And have an escape plan.
I’d assume by now he’s met your friends, so he’s at least gotten past the first round and has probably showcased some of his potential antidotes and social skills with them. During your travels home is the best time to give him the lowdown and even run through some practice convos. Let him know that your dad will unnecessarily bring out his gun at some point, your mom is bound to cry a lot, and when grandma asks for more coffee, she really means more whiskey. Just the basics, no need to overwhelm him.
The rest he can learn as he goes. Make sure you also clue your fam in on his visit well before the big day, as they’ll want to prepare too. If it really concerns you that much, you can try and help homeboy pack, but make sure he looks like himself so he’s comfortable. And it’s always a nice touch to pick up some flowers or a bottle of festive red that he can present to your mama upon arrival. Other than that, just wing it.