When I was a sophomore in college I had the worst professor imaginable. While I didn't learn much in this class, the professor taught me one important life tip: Thank You notes are so important! This was a theatre professor, so she stressed the importance of thank you notes for casting directors and choreographers. It gives you a lasting impression and it could be the primary factor in getting you the starring role over someone else.
While I stress it's importance for theatre, I don't understand why thank you notes aren't a thing anymore. When I was younger, I remember after every holiday where I received a gift, I'd have to sit down at the table and write a thank you note. Even if it was only two sentences, it shows how much the giver's intentions were appreciated. I guess it's because we live in an age of technology and communication through the internet, but a hand written note can go a long way!
I will never forget when I went into an interview a few months back. I handed the interviewer a thank you note once my interview came to a close. With a puzzled look, he asked what it was. I had to explain that it was a gesture to show how grateful I was for the opportunity. The look on the interviewer's face made my entire day! It's sad that it's such an odd gesture nowadays, but it's amazing to know I can have an impact on someone's life, even if it's just a small one. I didn't get the job, but he asked if he could keep my resume on file for future projects. It felt nice to know that my nice gesture was enough to give me that extra push over the other candidates
Sure, a hand written note isn't much, but have you thought of the downsides of writing one? That's because there are none. What's the worst thing that happens? The receiver takes it and walks away? That's their own problem. Nothing bad comes out of being a nice person. If anything, karma will come sprinting your way to shed some happiness onto your life for your good deed.
I always make sure to keep thank you notes with me at all times. I get made fun of often, but it's my name that people remember because of it. I'm all about having manners and treating people the way they're supposed to be treated. Why not go the extra mile to show that individual just how much you care? I'd rather be known as the weird card girl than the girl who has no manners.
Whether it's for your grandparents, a professor, a boss, or even your parents; write them a thank you note; two or three lines saying how grateful you are for them and what they have done for you. Go the extra mile, make their day, and be the stand out person!