I suffer from depression and anxiety. Yes, notice I say that I suffer, and anyone who has it most definitely suffers. Through suffering in life, I think some beauty always comes out of it. Anxiety and depression has definitely taught me more than what it is like to have the illness itself. Who knew a mental illness had a bright side to it?
As I've woken up to a day where getting out of bed seems to be the hardest thing to do, I've learned something from it. I've learned much more than that it sucks, that is for sure. I have learned that without the days of suffering I wouldn't get to feel the highest joys of my happy days. If I didn't know what it was like to feel so low then how would I know what it is like to feel so high? Without the days of deep depression I wouldn't know how beautiful a good day is. Living a beautiful life is what it's all about, embracing each moment of your life deeply. With this stigma of suffering from depression I have been able to feel deeply. Although there has been times where I have hated that I can feel so deeply, there are also times where it's benefited. I have the gift of feeling deeply about a passion or the ones I love.
Everyone always says that you should take the time to relax in life. As a person who suffers from anxiety I know first hand the most exhausting thing is having a mind that's running a hundred miles per hour a day. With a mind that's always wandering or making up crazy stories it seems hard to relax. Laying down after a mile run feels a lot better than laying down after walking two steps. When anxiety gets too tired of running and finally takes a chill pill and you have a moment to relax its beautiful. Anxiety has given me time to show true appreciation to a moment of relaxation. I am able to embrace relaxation in a different way all because of my illness, anxiety.
As a combination depression and anxiety make us, the suffers better fighters. No not fighters like we go around punching people in the face but fighters as in getting through situations. Everyday we battle with an aching sadness or an obsessive thought we can't stop thinking about. Our battle against both of those things make us strong troopers. Because of our annoyance of those two problems we are able to make it through just about anything. Our daily exhausting battle makes other battles seem a lot lighter on us. Thanks for making me a strong person depression and anxiety.
full rather than half empty makes the world we live in much more bearable. To try and find the beauty in every struggle may seem like a challenge but once you find it, it makes it a lot easier. My weakness is also apart of my strength. Such an ugly illness with some beautiful outcomes.