So here we are again, at the cusp of a new year. By some miracle the earth has successfully taken a spin around the sun and we're all alive to toast this year's end with a glass of champagne and a countdown. But 2016 was a rollercoaster of a year – most people say it's been one of the worst they've seen. And we can't ignore its dreadfulness. The worldwide terrorist attacks, the United States' deadliest shooting on the LGBT community, an election that split the country farther down the middle than ever, the death of David Bowie, Prince, George Michael, Alan Rickman, Maurice White, Harper Lee (etc, etc, etc.) the Zika virus, Brexit, police brutality, Aleppo, the Flint water crisis, the list goes on. The year was absolute chaos and there were so many heartbreaking parts to it, resulting in its terrible reputation. But we have to remind ourselves that this year wasn't all bad, and like everything, there were both good and bad parts to it. So, now that it's over, let's toast this year by remembering some of the wonderful things it brought (in no particular order.)
- Leo finally winning his well-deserved Oscar
Let's just ignore the fact that this should have happened a long time ago and enjoy the fact that it finally happened this year. Of course this angel proudly took his well-deserved award with a dignified speech dedicated to the planet he spends so much time trying to save. Even after all these years, he didn't let that moment solely be about him; he used his platform to draw awareness to something he believes in. What an excellent person and what a beautiful moment.
- Music, music, music
From Beyoncé to Bon Iver, Views to Joanne, Rihanna to The 1975, and many many many more, you cannot deny this was a great year for music. Frank Ocean finally satisfied his fans with music that was well worth the wait and David Bowie left us with a beautiful final album. Not to mention music by Chance the Rapper, The Weeknd, Sia, Kendrick Lamar, Ariana Grande, Kanye West, and so on that left music listeners of all kinds satisfied. Regardless of all the catastrophes, at least we had great music to get us through this year.
- Standing Rock Victory
After months of dedicated protesters standing with Standing Rock out in any and all weather conditions, they managed to make their voices heard. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers made a surprising decision and blocked the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline, deciding to examine whether to move the pipeline to a different location or cancel it altogether. The act of solidarity among people fighting for indigenous people's right to land and water was heartwarming, and seeing their success in achieving their goal was one of 2016's highest points.
- Rio 2016
No, this Olympic season was not devoid of controversies whatsoever, but who can deny that the Summer Olympics are always fun to watch? Especially with highlights like Abbey D'Agostino and Nikki Hamblin's true sportsmanship footage, the Final Five group of inspiring girls making history, and a farewell to the great Phelps and Bolt. Rio 2016 kept the world glued to their screens for those two weeks in August and it will definitely be remembered.
- Television & Film
The People v. O.J. Simpson, Moonlight, Stranger Things, Atlanta, Elle, Finding Dory, This Is Us, La La Land, Moana... Need I say more? I could if I wanted to. 2016 brought us seasons of new and old beloved shows and countless engaging and entertaining films. These fascinated us and had great impacts on audiences. They've been entertaining and educating us since the start of this chaotic year and will stay with us past 2016 into (hopefully) brighter days.
- The Ice Bucket Challenge's triumph
Remember those Facebook notifications you got a few years ago from your friends forcing you to go outside and film yourself dumping ice water on yourself? Those videos circling the web were actually helping to fund an ALS breakthrough. In July of 2016 it was announced that the millions of dollars raised by this Internet trend helped fund research projects which lead to discoveries for new treatment possibilities for the disease. In a way, everyone contributing to these videos helped to make these new scientific breakthroughs possible, which is a pretty amazing thing.
- Big leap for feminism in America
For the first time in history a woman will be on the face of American currency – another thing that should have happened a lot sooner. But hey, at least it was officially decided in 2016. What a giant accomplishment to rid the $20 bill of someone as corrupt and hateful as Andrew Jackson and replace it with one of America's heroes, Harriet Tubman. A proud 2016 moment.
- Love remained despite everything
Yeah, this year had a lot of really rough times. But it was in these times that people chose to come together and use love as a form of protest against hate. It is in these moments that we are able to retain hope for future days. We remember that despite our differences and our faults as a human race, we're all just people capable and in need of love. This is what keeps us moving forward.
Happy New Year everyone! And may you grow in peace and love with every new day of 2017.