It's 2015, and standard relationship expectations are constantly changing. However, based on basic social cues, my own personal experience and witnessing my friends' plummeted relationships, I've compiled a list of the simple requirements that, apparently, must now be made very clear to ensure that a guy is dating material according to our generation's current standards.
1. Respects women.
Seems like a no-brainer, right? Sadly, you would be surprised. If the word feminism makes him run faster than Forrest Gump, you've got the right idea by running in the opposite direction. Of course, no one is asking these potential significant others to be radical activists, but at the same time if they're idolizing Donald Trump's view on women and have ever retweeted the misogynistic Twitter account, "Meninist," then they've got some growing up to do. There is nothing wrong with that, but no one ever said you have to play the part of Mom.
2. Contrary to popular belief, if you want to be my lover, please do not get with my friends.
Maybe the Spice Girls had their own agreement as far as relationships, but that is not how it works. I've never been the detective type in relationships, but if you're creepin' around with any of my friends, or even my friends' friends, it doesn't take Sherlock to figure it out.
3. You should never rank lower than cheap beer and booze on the pyramid of priorities.
I'm not saying you should be that nagging type that always whines about staying in for some, "Netflix and chill," as opposed to partying with friends, but if a guy starts to be in a more exclusive relationship with Natty Light or $5 gin, you may want to reconsider your choices. But, hey, they'll figure that out eventually once the beer gut shows up and you already walked out the door.
4. You should always be taken seriously.
Coming from an overly animated goof like myself, I never take too many things that seriously.
But, if your significant other doesn't take any serious interest in your passions, goals or even simple hobbies, your interest in them should diminish as well. I've realized how important it is to have a genuine interest in another's activities, other than partying and going on dates together. That's where you'll find real support for each other; so I've heard.
Seeking a significant other doesn't have to be an audition process, but there are some qualities you just can't ignore.
You're not being picky, you just have to maintain that Aretha Franklin mentality, and seek some good ol' fashioned R-E-S-P-E-C-T.