When you show up for a 4:45 a.m. shift
I’m still not functioning yet and all I want to do is go home and curl up in a snuggie with my cats. To be honest I’ll have "RBF" (resting bitch face) until I have at least two cups of coffee. It’s nothing personal, I was born this way.
When customers literally can’t without their fist cup of joe
We’ve all been there and done the whole rolling out of bed and going out to get coffee thing. It is okay to be completely tired. Just get it together.
That moment when your favorite customer comes in
I see you. We make eye contact; and in that small moment, there is a mutual understanding that you want your usual. It will be made out of order and I will send you on your merry way and save you from the mosh pit of people waiting for their drinks.
When the time comes for your break.
There is nothing better than getting your break right after a long rush of people. Getting their drinks and food gets exhausting. It is like completing the best workout of your life and you can’t help but be happy.
When a customer tries to tell you how to do your job
This doesn't just apply to a coffee shop. Customers should have respect and believe that you, as an employee, have had sufficient training to do your job right and if you do make a mistake, you are only human; besides, mistakes can be corrected.
When you get to work with your best friend
There is nothing better than working with your best friend during an eight-hour shift. You both have the same inside jokes and you know, with one look at each other, you just had a full conversation. With your best friend by your side, it is you versus the world and you just feel unstoppable.
Lets not forget payday
This speaks for itself.