This past week, I saw a tweet that read “college is about meeting the bridesmaids, not the groom.”
It hit me because lately, I have just been in this mood of wanting a boyfriend, and trying to search for “the one.”
That tweet kind of gave me a wake-up call, like hey, I am young, I am free, and I should just be having a good time with my girls.
I just finished my freshman year of college. I have made friends and built strong friendships since graduating high school. Some of the girls I am friends with, I could imagine being my bridesmaids. Now, the guys in my life, yikes, definitely no grooms so far.
But that's okay, I am okay with focusing on my girlfriends and just having a good time.
It is prime time in my life, time to be carefree, have girls nights, and make lifelong friends.
Not only have I met some of my best friends in college, but I still have friends from elementary and high school.
I have started to learn how to cherish and depend on my girls because well FRICK BOYS!
There is really no rush to meet your groom in college, there is no need. Chill out and spend time with your girls, because you want your best friends standing by your side when you do finally meet and are marrying your groom.
Your girls should always come first and make sure those friendships are strong. Boys will come and go, especially in college.