Brexit is one of this year's most politically and economically significant moments. It is a vote in Great Britain on whether the nation will continue its membership in the European Union, or leave it. This is a big event especially in Europe since Britain is one of the most prosperous countries in the EU, and it pumps a lot of money into this organization helping countries that are financially unstable to keep up. Leaving this union would cut off existing trade agreements, and require new ones to occur and also other large organization that Britain is part of like NATO might become a questionable alliance by British citizens.
Brexit is another example where citizens are given the vote on whether to stay in a union or leave it, much like Scotland Recently had a vote whether to stay in the United Kingdom or go independent. I believe with these votes becoming more popular, it pushes the idea of democracy even more. People in Britain might believe that their money is being taken away to other countries and that the price far outweighs the benefits of the EU. While some people believe that we need a more unified Europe in order to promote commerce between nations and peace. A lot of people also think that by leaving the EU nationalism in Britain would grow, which is usually not viewed favorably in Europe, especially when nationalism does affect policies and alliances.
Brexit was overshadowed in the United States by the controversial Presidential race, but the Brexit vote in happening on June 23 and we can expect most of the results by the end of the week. It is great that these democratic votes are starting to occur, even if people will fight about the choices, if there is a need for a vote on an issue, means the people were divided enough on the topic where there is a need for a vote. This event has stirred up Britain to the point where even the royal family, who rarely commit to any political opinion have been talking about this issue. We should commit to votes like these more often on policy, there are already votes planned for marijuana legalization and things like that, and politically active individuals are always collecting signatures in order to get policies into a vote by the government. I just wish it happened more often when was the last chance many of us had an opportunity to vote for something we are passionate about, besides a representative of our state or district.