Week days, weekends, even in the wee hours of the morning; I am poppin' bottles… Of breast milk! Did you know breast milk is really good for your kid? Yeah, I am sure you did because people push it down parents throats most of the time. I am not here to tell you that you should do it. I know it gets old. It is also REALLY hard and trying, I have questioned if I should stop before. I just am here in the end to say I do breastfeed. I have been exclusively breastfeeding my daughter now for 7 whole months. It has been an adventure for sure.
I started out very nervous and on edge all the time, and sometimes I still am. I worried if I made enough for her, if I was doing it right, if I was being clean enough, HOW would I accomplish pumping when I go back to work? I am a 21 year old, that instead of poppin' bottles of the hippest drink going around, I am pumping and feeding a child. Sometimes that can feel somewhat isolating, to be a young person not out doing what they do best. I am at home, being a wife, feeding my kid, and taking a different route. Now that I have got as far as I have, and my kid is thriving! I cannot tell you how happy I am that I did this. Let me explain.
The isolation turned into a bond with my child, an un-explainable one. The pain that I had initially, became strength in myself as a Mother. The fatigue turned into perseverance to carry through with something I started. Breastfeeding has changed me in a lot of ways, I am different now. I am a MOTHER and a proud one. I know it is not for everyone, but I thank God it was for me.