A year ago I was going through without a doubt the worst breakup of my life. He was the one I saw the rest of my life with, but I guess God had other plans. We had been together a little over six months when I got the text.. "are you as happy as you were when we first met?" Wow has my life changed since that day.
The breakup took me by surprise I cried until I physically thought I was incapable of producing any more tears. The seeing each other after the breakup was tough.. you know the one where you return everything of his you had at your house. Then with that comes all the lies of "we can still hangout" or "text me whenever you want to talk" or "I'll always be there for you." We all fall into those lies I know I did. Then reality sinks in where he blocks you from everything and breaks EVERY promise he ever made to you.
Days, weeks, even months pass where you still occasionally cry when you hear their name or someone asks about them, not knowing of the traumatic breakup and you have to relive it all over again. It's sorta like a death the memory of them will hit you when you least expect or want it to.
But what comes from the breakup is the best part. Obviously not talking about the heartbreak. I am talking about the rebuilding of yourself. The part where you start to love yourself again, where you dust yourself off, and try and forget about the guy that just broke your heart. Then comes the moving on..where you decide you are ready to put yourself back out there into the dating scene.
Breakups show you that there is more to you and more to life than that guy you thought was the one. It shows you how strong you really are. While the test sucks the reward is so much better! Trust me.
Looking back on where I was a year ago would I have changed anything to prevent it from happening if I knew it was about to happen? Honestly no. Since then I have grown so much as a person and a Christian and met some pretty awesome people. So people actually do know what they are talking about when they say good comes from broken things. Trust me this past year was so hard for me but so much goodness came from it also and none of it would have happened had I not gotten that text. So the next time you get your heartbroken just remember it may feel like your world is ending but it's just beginning.